1. Save Time
You need to monitor fish migration. You can use a counting window in a fish pass or install an underwater video camera and watch endless hours of pretty much nothing but occasionally a fish. This can be very time consuming and inefficient. The Riverwatcher monitors, counts, and measures each fish for you, daily.
2. Save Money
Compared to other methods of accurately counting fish and monitoring your river, the Riverwatcher gives you 365 days of data, and saves you money in time and resources, year after year. It is fully automatic and requires minimal maintenance.
3. Know Your River
Manual surveillance is human resource intensive, involves commuting to remote areas and gives you a picture of a single point in time. Riverwatcher generates valuable information daily about the environment and about the fish that pass through the river. If you have equipped your Riverwatcher with a Biomark PIT Tag antenna systems, you will also receive additional unique data on each fish.
4. Access Site Information Daily
You don´t have to go to the river to check what´s going on anymore. The new online software module, Riverwatcher Daily, makes it easy for you to access river information daily, as the data is automatically uploaded to the cloud and accessible from any internet connected device.
5. View Automatic Reports
The Riverwatcher online software displays migration patterns based on size of the fish, direction of the fish, time of migration, temperature of the water and comparison between years. Data is tracked automatically, daily.
6. Share Data Easily
You may have several people that need to access this data. No problem. Each member can have a login and you control how much you want to show in public view. Only signed in users can edit data and add categories.
7. See Fish and Only Fish
We love fish videos, who doesn’t? Check out the biggest fish, the latest fish or have your system display a looping window of the last few passing fish for everybody to enjoy.
8. Assess the Efficiency of a Fish-Pass
The Riverwatcher is typically installed in a fish-pass or a fish-way of some kind. It gives valuable information about the efficiency and the design of the structure. Custom designs are available to retrofit to our existing environment or build in as a component of a new fish pass.
9. Get Accurate Counts and Size Estimation
Independent studies have shown the Riverwatcher to be more accurate than other types of fish counters, counting fish with 98% accuracy and measuring the size of each fish with more than 95% accuracy. https://www.riverwatcher.is/riverwatcher-scores-high/
10. Gain a Trusted Partner
The Riverwatcher has been installed in over 500 locations and proven itself in harsh conditions all over the world. With global service and support, we want to support your conservation needs.